Our Mission
Mission of United Way of West Alabama
United Way of West Alabama strengthens education, income stability and health in our community by developing resources and partnerships.
Vision of United Way of West Alabama
Empowering Partners. Impacting Community. Living United.

A Community Sponsored Organization
UWWA's function is to raise much needed funds for services at its local West Alabama partner agencies. United Way of West Alabama operates under the direction of a maximum 35 member Board of Directors who represent a cross-section of West Alabama citizens.

A Volunteer Organization
A team of almost 1,000 volunteers help to raise and distribute funds to our local agencies and initiatives. Under the Board of Directors and Volunteer Allocation Team, each member agency of United Way must be verified as a non-profit organization, governed by volunteers, receive an annual audit, undergo a grant review and provide a needed community service.

A Cost Effective Organization
Because of the dedication and hard work of volunteers, administrative and fund-raising costs are kept low. Approximately 90 cents of each dollar goes directly into service with only 10% going to administrative costs.

An Easy Way to Help
Because your tax deductible contribution can be made through payroll deduction, no bill comes to you. There are no checks to write, but you know you have helped!

A Service Organization Responsive to Community
Determination of member agencies is made by volunteers who investigate and discover the services provided are needed in the West Alabama community. United Way agencies are familiar to most of us. They are agencies which provide help for the terminally ill and their families; agencies which provide one-to-one adult companionship to children of single parent families; and agencies which work to meet emergency needs of citizens in the West Alabama area. These are just some of the many services community donations make possible.

Donor Bill of Rights
PHILANTHROPY is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the non-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
Our History
History of United Way of West Alabama
In 1946, the Community Chest of Tuscaloosa was organized and raised $63,000 in its first campaign. Through the support and cooperation of local business leaders, the Community Chest eventually became United Way of West Alabama and continues to benefit West Alabama residents in a variety of ways. Since inception, over $317 million has been raised by the community for United Way.
Katherine Jolly Cork Building
The United Way of West Alabama building is dedicated to the memory of Katherine Jolly Cork. (1976-2002) The building was dedicated by her family in 2005.