
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Success By 6 of United Way of West Alabama is proud to provide Dolly Parton's Imagination Library books FREE to children from birth to 5 years of age living in Bibb, Greene, Hale, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa counties. Once a month, your child will receive a new book by mail. You only need to do two things: register your child and pledge to read the books to him/her. Please, climb on board Dolly Parton's Imagination Library!

  • Success By 6 implemented the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (DPIL) program in September 2008, and since that time, over 550,000 Free Books have been delivered to children in West Alabama!
  • Currently, about 8,000 children receive free books each month in 9 West Alabama Counties!
  • Success By 6 offers DPIL in Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa Counties.
  • Research has shown that having books in the home is key to future reading success. Did you know that children living in poverty have few, if any, age appropriate books? Or that having just 20 books can close the educational gap between children of poverty and their peers? 

If you'd like more information on how you can help increase our coverage area, please contact Cheryl Fondren or call 205.345.6640

